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  2. Order Info
  3. Billing & Shipping
  4. Review Order
  5. Upload & Pay
If you only need shipping to one address just fill in this section and click next. Split shipping will incur additional charges depending on the countries selected. Minimum total quantity is just 25pcs.

Do you want to handle and pay your own import VAT/duties?

Tip: the quantity selector at the bottom of your screen will only change the quantity for your main shipping address. To delete an extra shipping country just set the quantity to 0. Make sure to select the largest shipment under your main shipping country to get the best possible price.
Tip: the quantity selector at the bottom of your screen will only change the quantity for your main shipping address. To delete an extra shipping country just set the quantity to 0.
Tip: the quantity selector at the bottom of your screen will only change the quantity for your main shipping address. To delete an extra shipping country just set the quantity to 0.
Please note: due to equipment maintenance recorded tapes are currently NOT available. Only blank tapes can be made until further notice..
  • BLANK Tapes (NO AUDIO)

    BLANK tapes wound on special ferric Type I tape designed for high quality home recording.

    • Blank tapes designed for DIY home recording
    • Wound to any custom length up to C-90 (45 minutes per side)
    • Does not include any recording/duplication of audio/music!
    There are no selections available here yet.
    There are no selections available here yet.
    There are no selections available here yet.
    There are no selections available here yet.
Tip: select multiple add-ons by clicking the images - click next when done
    There are no selections available here yet.
    There are no selections available here yet.